A local community can be a primary or secondary school, although any other group of children that meetscounts,including sports associations, music classes or even a village to name a few examples. Will your local community be the inspiration that takes participants’ ideas to the next level and create real change?
What's in it for you?
Guest lectures provided by the participating teams.
Contact with other local communities via a global network of participating teams.
Education tools on the SDGs.
Receive tips and tools to become more climate resilient and eco-efficient.
In what ways can I participate?
Connect with a participating team independently.
Ask an educational institution in or outside your region if they will participate.
You cancollaborate with every type of educational institution
If teams agree, guest lectures or activities can be offered both online or in hybrid format
Connect with a participating team via our organization.
Simply fill in the form below and let us know your wishes!