Hybrid lecture Cape Town highlight of Masterclass series!

Co-organizers Wavemakers United and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education are proud to announce the five front-runners!
UN2023 Gamechanger Challenge: the five finalists are here!

Co-organizers Wavemakers United and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education are proud to announce the five front-runners!
The UN 2023 Gamechanger Challenge entered the 2nd round!

After months of preparation, guest-lectures and masterclasses the participating teams submitted their innovative ides which means the 2nd round of the UN2023 Gamechanger Challenge has officially started! Now it’s up to the youth jury to select the top 20 ideas. These teams will have until the 14th of February to further develop their ideas. From these […]
Mina Guli becomes athlete ambassador !

We are thrilled Mina Guli is one of our athlete ambassador of the UN2023 Gamechanger Challenge! Mina is running 200 marathons in one year up to the Un2023 Water Conference, to raise awareness about the global water challenge and drive people into action. As Mina says: ‘every step counts’. Support Mina on this great Run Blue […]
The first particpants are a fact!

3 weeks after the launch of the UN2023 Gamechanger Challenge we already have over ten particpants signed in from the Philipines, Congo, Burkina Faso and Tunisia. Hôchea Pongo Pongo from Congo was our FIRST applicant and team captain joining the challenge! Of course we are aiming for more, so don’t hesitate and join the […]
Wavemakers United got accredited for the UN2023 Water Conference!

We’re happy to share that Wavemakers United is one of the youth-led organizations with a special accreditation for the UN2023 Water Conference! From the 22nd until the 24th of March 2023 we will be aiming to unite the world for water. Curious what our plans are towards New York, and beyond? Check out www.un2023gamechangerchallenge.com Find all […]